Shareholders confirm the direction of travel

HOCHDORF Holding Ltd Press Release for the AGM

Hochdorf, 13 April 2022At the 2022 Annual General Meeting of HOCHDORF Holding Ltd, the shareholders approved all the proposals submitted by the Board of Directors by a large majority.

In accordance with COVID-19 Ordinance 3 of the Federal Council, the HOCHDORF Holding Ltd Annual General Meeting was held without shareholders present. 796 shareholders with a total of 1,412,420 share votes (65.64 % of the share capital entitled to vote) exercised their voting rights using the independent proxy.

The shareholders approved the Annual Report, the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2021 and acknowledged the auditor's report. The appropriation of the balance sheet result proposed by the Board of Directors was also approved. The Board of Directors and Group Management were granted discharge for the business year 2021. The shareholders also agreed to the Remuneration Report for 2021 and approved the proposed remuneration for the Board of Directors and Group Management.

With a uniformly high level of approval the HOCHDORF shareholders confirmed the strategy adopted by the company. Focussing on Smart Nutrition products and a streamlining of its ranges, HOCHDORF aims to improve profitability and reduce cost dependency on milk as a raw material, which is becoming progressively more scarce.

All members of the Board of Directors stood for re-election and were confirmed in their roles with clear shareholder majorities. Jürg Oleas was confirmed as Chair of the Board of Directors. Markus Bühlmann, Andreas Herzog, Jean-Philippe Rochat and Ralph Siegl were all elected as members of the Board of Directors. Jürg Oleas, Jean-Philippe Rochat and Ralph Siegl were elected to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee.

Dr Urban Bieri, attorney and notary, Rudolf & Bieri AG, Lucerne, was confirmed as independent proxy and KPMG Ltd, Lucerne, was confirmed as the auditor for HOCHDORF Holding Ltd.


Contact: Dr. Christoph Hug, VP Brand & Communication HOCHDORF Group, Tel: +41 (0)41 914 65 62 / +41 (0)79 859 19 23,


About the HOCHDORF Group
HOCHDORF, founded in 1895, is transforming itself into a national and international Swiss authoritative brand for technologically sophisticated, functional foods, known as Smart Nutrition. HOCHDORF develops, produces and markets special foods for people of all ages with specific dietary needs. The company is recognised for its high processing competence of high-quality raw materials and draws on state-of-the-art production technologies and employees with market-relevant nutrition expertise. The HOCHDORF Group achieved a consolidated net sales revenue of CHF 303.5 million in 2021 and employs around 400 staff. The HOCHDORF shares are listed on the Zurich Stock Exchange.

Contact/ Accès
+41 41 914 65 65Formulaire de contact

Siedereistrasse 9
CH-6281 Hochdorf
